For a long while, I have been slowly reading this book
Overwhelmed: Work, Love and Play When No One Has the Time.

One concept that really rings true to me is this concept of “time
contamination.” So true in my world. No matter what I am doing, even the spa
with girlfriends, I am still actively engaged with my head on all the stuff I
need to do. Work deals and intricacies that take time to think through, grocery
lists, errands for the upcoming baby shower, must do items before the board
meeting, etc. All mixed in.
During my normal work day, my focus is very
compartmentalized. My task lists are in
the same place but separated. This is how I can actually function in so many
roles. I must have specific time dedicated to specific types of tasks. This
context helps me be the most productive. It takes organization and dedication
but it works for me.
The challenge is my leisure time. That time that is supposed
to be for me, to decompress, to actually relax gets crowded. Contaminated. I
have tried lists, brain dumps, quiet breathing, etc. No luck. My mind still
swims on. Loaded with sh*t from the week or the upcoming week.
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